[ART] Final devlog


So it's finally time. Some polish was still done to make the mechanics a bit more clear and gameplay go more smoothly.

There is some more UI with a bar showing your stamina for sprinting or dashing.
As well as an objective displayed atop the screen and a timer next to the player UI.

The background has been modified a bit so it looks like a sunrise is happening over time.
Sound effects were also added, visioncones became more accurate and let's not forget- being spotted by a camera triggers an alarm now and the alerted guard gets a big old exclamation mark next to his head so you know who to look out for.

With this our game is finally done (although any dev could tell you a game is never truly done) and we're ready to present it to the world.


SneakersV1.0.rar 85 MB
Jun 05, 2018

Get [Group 12] Sneakers

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