[DEV] final devlog


Security camera AI rotation

Reprogrammed the rotation of the camera AI for full control over the angle width and time period over which it will do the rotation.

Changing the background to resemble sunrise

Had to reprogram the whole implementation as it was lacking the features requested. So implemented a timeline as we could add more than 2 colors and have full control over the color transition.

End game zone

Implemented an end game hit box checking if both players are there ready to escape with the priced artifact.

Jail game over trigger

Using the same logic as the end game trigger, I implemented a game over trigger. It checks if both players are in the jail and the door is closed.

User interface

toggling player elements

Improved existing UI code by making toggling functions in stead of hardcoded. Cleaned up UI code by being able to toggle call it

Toggling of the objective UI feedback

Programmed toggling for the objective text to the next objective and back, so when the player gets caught the objective resets. Also coded toggling the target escape area decal for user feedback

Stamina bar system

Implemented a running stamina system for the running mechanic so the player can't just restart running after the 4 seconds limit. It now gets calculated with a max stamina decreasing steadily while running and only increasing stamina value while walking. Also implemented the connections between the mechanic's stamina calculations and the UI stamina bar to update it while running and while refilling the bar.

Dash recovery system

Implemented a dash recovery system for the dash mechanic so the player can't just spam dash to escape the guard. It is based on the running stamina bar system. The dash recovers increasingly after using the dash power. Also implemented the connections between the mechanic's calculations and the dash UI icon to update it while while the dash powers up.

Game time pressure

Added a timer holding the elapsed time since the level loaded, displaying it when the winning end trigger is triggered. Linked the max time of the game mode to the sunrise background and added the game over when exceeding the time limit.


Camera filling of bar chunky

Completely scrapped the spaghetti code as it was buggy, unreadable and uncontrollable. Implemented a timeline to do the bar filling calculation in stead. This resulted in full control over the time period over which the bar fills without making the filling in chunks.

Raycast dash scale

Implemented a line trace to detect if the predicted dash path collides with props or walls. Then used the distance of the raycast hit to scale down the velocity. As well as scaling down the particle length, this is to prevent the player from dashing in or through walls.

Guards runing into doors after opening them

Reprogrammed Niels' hot fix as it added collision to the rotating door while it rotates. Not having collision on the door was intentional so it doesn't smack in to the player. The door now impacts the navigation mesh so the guard will avoid the door. This lead to the guards not being able to go through doors, but fixed that by using nav links to link the split navigation mesh together. The guard will pick the shortest route through the use of these nav links.

UI only works for one player

After a whole afternoon breaking my head on why the UI doesn't work for the second player and gave errors. I found that the implementation of the whole game's UI was per player. Instead of putting it in the gamemode as is accustomed in programming. But rather both players created a UI while only one had control over the whole game UI (timers, both players' jail, keycard and katana icon.. This prevented toggling the UI from the second player, this wasn't tested thoroughly. So Benoit and I just recently stumbled on it, so now I am making the UI player dependent. Coding the UI in the gamemode and reprogramming the references from the way it was implemented by Gaethan.

Finished recoding the whole UI back end programming, the UI is now owned by the game mode which has the toggle code in it. This gets referenced and used by both players in their own blueprints, also in the jail door and guard when necessary


SneakersV1.0.rar 85 MB
Jun 05, 2018

Get [Group 12] Sneakers